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Estonian Competition Authority
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Annual Report 2023
Strategy and priorities
Water reform 2025+
About the Organisation
Human resources statistics
Launching the Electronic Price Calculation Information System
In numbers
Trends and overviews
Unfair trading practices
2023 Electricity and Gas Market Summary
Overview of prices for regulated services
Postal sector
Supervisory proceedings against Elektrilevi
End of dispute over airport charges
Concentration of AS Maag Grupp and AS HKScan Estonia
Maxima misdemeanour proceedings
Proceedings regarding morgue services
Supervisory proceedings against Ragn-Sells AS
Overviews of energy market
Analysis of the consequences of the pharmacy reform
Market analysis on the charging network of electric cars
Analysis of the fuel market
Amendments to Legislation
Government bill implementing the competition directive (ECN+)
Annual Report 2022
Chairman´s Foreword
About the Authority
International cooperation
Partner organizations
Competition supervision
Joint action of undertakings in the light of competition law
Prohibited joint tender for timber transport
Supreme Court did not uphold the complaint of AS Eesti Post against the Competition Authority
Unfair trading practices
Unlawful co-operation between sellers of grain dryers
Control of concentrations
Granting of permission to concentrate to A/S Dobeles Dzirnavnieks and AB Baltic Mill with obligations
Granting of permission to concentrate to RAGN-SELLS AS and AS Väätsa Prügila with obligations
Prohibition of concentration of AS Eesti Post and AS EXPRESS POST
Regulation Service
Amendments to the Natural Gas Act and Electricity Market Act
Supervisory proceedings over the activities of Elektrilevi OÜ in Hiiumaa regarding issuance of connection offers for producers
The Competition Authority examined the reasons for high power exchange prices
The Competition Authority examined the structure of the European electricity market and possibilities for changing the organisation of the market using Estonia as an example
The Competition Authority recommended electricity sellers to increase customer awareness of the principle of price calculation of the exchange package
The Competition Authority's assessment of Elektrilevi OÜ's independence and activities with regard to equal treatment
The price of universal service
Natural gas
Developments in the natural gas market in 2022
About the organisation of the competition for the purchase of heat by Adven Eesti AS
Action plan of AS Utilitas Tallinn to ensure cheaper heat prices for consumers
Maintaining security of heat supply
Public water supply
Dispute over airport fees
Overview of the railway market
Postal Communications
Quality of forwarding speed of items of correspondence
Annual Report 2021
Government bill implementing the competition directive (ECN+)
About the Authority
International cooperation
Amendments to Legislation
Competition supervision
Control of concentrations
Regulation Service
Natural gas market
Public water supply and sewerage services
Overview of the rail market
Postal Communication
Annual Report 2020
Dear reader
About the Authority
Competition Control
Control of Concentrations
Natural Gas Market developments
Universal Postal Service
About the Methodology of maximum price of heat
Overview of the Rail Market
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