Market analysis on the charging network of electric cars

In autumn 2023, the Authority started a market analysis on the charging network of electric cars. The aim of the analysis is to obtain a competition law overview of the public charging network of electric car chargers in Estonia.

The survey has been divided into phases and starts with identifying topics and formulating research questions. In the second phase, meetings with relevant authorities will take place and after that, questionnaires will be sent to market participants. In addition, different interviews with market participants and authorities will take place. Developments in some other European Union countries will also be taken into account in the survey and compared with the situation in Estonia.

As a result of the climate objectives set by the European Union, the development plan aims to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the transport sector by 30% by 2035 compared with 2018. From 2035, the European Union has planned to end the sales of cars with internal combustion engines. As a large part of the total greenhouse gas emissions is caused by road transport and largely by cars, this objective can be met only if the number of cars with petrol and diesel motors is reduced and more electric cars are taken into use. The electric car market is growing rapidly in Estonia, which is why the development of the charging network and possible problems on this market should be paid attention to.

The Competition Authority will publish its final report of the analysis presumably by the end 2024, taking into account that such analyses usually take 12 months.